Cooling the Outdoor Patio

sunThere are places in the world, such as California and Florida, where summer time means brutal heat. Temperatures can soar well over 90 and remain there for days or weeks at a time. This can make it horrible if you are a person who loves the outdoors. Both working and sitting in the heat can cause you to feel drained and cause other health concerns. This makes people who normally enjoy sitting outdoors either stay inside or try to find ways of cooling the outdoor patio.

Avoiding the Heat

california beachesIn Fresno, the average temperature during the month of July is around 98 degrees. This means that daytime and nighttime temperatures are both very high and the heat becomes inescapable. Even homes with air conditioners may have hot spots that are impossible to cool down. Most often, this is in a bedroom or a kitchen, but it can also be in other areas. It can be uncomfortable to sleep, go outdoors, venture to work, and everything else. Even running errands in a car can be something you dread. It makes it difficult to breathe and is very dangerous for children and adults alike. Too much heat can cause a person to have a heat stroke when even just sitting outdoors. However, creativity is in full force and a lot of people try to combat the heat by using some very creative means.

Creative Ways to Stay Cool

staying coolFans and water are the most common ways to avoid the heat when outdoors. There are handheld fans that spray out cold water and celling fans on most covered patios. However, many people also use floor fans because they put out more air and can be aimed directly at them. They sit with cold rags around their neck and keep cold drinks close by themselves at all times. The issue is, when heat drags on for days, the creative measures they take may not be enough. It is made worse by the fact that each year, temperatures soar higher than last year and some people have decided to start trying to find the best 14000 BTU portable air conditioner that they can for their home’s hot spots and even their patios where they spend a lot of time.

Protect Yourself

It may seem as though running an AC outdoors on the patio is a waste of money, but in some cases, it may be necessary. It is important to keep yourself cool by any means necessary and you should also think about your pets since they get hot in the same way that you do. You can visit the beach, the pool, sit in the shade, or do anything else to keep your body temperature down. The important thing is to stay hydrated and do your best to find shade throughout the day. The same is true for your pets. Keep a fresh bowl of water available to them at all times during the summer months.  At night, the shade will not be required, but you should still avoid doing anything outdoors that could be considered “strenuous”.